
We constantly strive to update our services and products, keeping up with the market in which we operate in order to maintain our quality standards and better understand our audience. For instance, in 2012, we conducted a survey called “The Brazilian Feet,” studying the specific characteristics of the feet of the Brazilian population.

In 2013, we compiled a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on plantar orthotics and their associated benefits. To read the full surveys, please click on the images below.

Our latest research:

The Brazilian Feet 
An in-depth study of Brazilian feet, analyzing characteristics, problems, products, and pain.

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Plantar Orthoses and Orthopedic Insoles in Clinical Practice (literature review) 

Review of the scientific literature on plantar orthoses and description of the benefits found in the treatment of different diseases.

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High Heels and the Brazilian Women 
A comprehensive and detailed study on the use of high heels by Brazilian women.

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The relationship between health and quality of life with the feet, ankles and knees 
An extensive study on what influences Brazilians’ health and quality of life.

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 Work and its relationship with feet, ankles and knees
A study on the feet, ankles and knees of Brazilian workers.

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 The importance of football in Brazilians’ life and its influence on feet, ankles and knees 
An in-depth study of 10,566 Brazilians on the importance and influence of football.

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